Elixir v1.4 brings many improvements to the language, its standard library and the Mix build tool.

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GenStage is a new Elixir behaviour for exchanging events with back-pressure between Elixir processes. In this blog post we will cover the background that led us to GenStage, some example use cases, and what we are exploring for future releases.

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Elixir v1.3 brings many improvements to the language, the compiler and its tooling, specially Mix (Elixir's build tool) and ExUnit (Elixir's test framework).

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Elixir v1.2 brings enhancements, bug fixes, performance improvements and more into Elixir.

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Elixir v1.1 brings enhancements, bug fixes, performance improvements and more into Elixir.

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Elixir v1.0 is finally out!

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Elixir v0.15.0 introduces Elixir's Logger, Mix aliases and is the last stop before Elixir v1.0. We are also glad to welcome Alexei into our team!

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Elixir v0.14.0 is released and expands the work on structs and bringing more of OTP right into Elixir and Mix

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Elixir v0.13.0 comes with substantial improvements to the language: maps, structs, comprehensiona and more. It also marks the announcement of the hex.pm package manager and the announcment of ElixirConf!

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Elixir v0.12.0 is out with improved enumerables, build patterns and welcoming a new member to our team

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In 0.12.0 Elixir's enumerators have gained the ability to suspend value production and to terminate early.

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Elixir v0.11.0 is out and it focus on improving and optimizing the patterns often used by the community.

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Highlight of Elixir design goals.

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Elixir v0.10.0 is out with support for streams, sets, pretty printing and many improvements for Mix and ExUnit.

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Elixir v0.9.0 is released with support for reducers, umbrella projects, faster compilation times and dropped support for R15 and earlier OTP versions.

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The Erlang on Xen team has added support for Elixir and we will tell you how you can use it!

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Elixir v0.8.2 is released with bug fixes, better Erlang R16 support and doctests.

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Elixir is taking part in Google Summer of Code 2013! Are you a student? Join us!

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On the last 9th January, we celebrated two years since Elixir's first commit and to celebrate this occasion we have prepared a big release. Elixir v0.8 is out, with documentation, optimizations, bug fixes and shiny new features. Let's take a look at them!

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Elixir v0.7.2 is released, new, improved type specifications syntax and many other improvements.

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Elixir v0.7.1 was released to celebrate the end of a two months journey traveling around Europe, United States and Brazil talking about Elixir.

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Elixir v0.7.0 is released with many improvements! Read on for more information.

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We have finally released Elixir v0.6.0! This release includes a build tool called Mix, support for Erlang typespecs, many improvements to IEx and improved IO, File and Macro support.

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We have finally released Elixir v0.5.0! This marks the first release since the language was rewritten. In this blog post, we will discuss what we achieved during this time and what are the next steps!

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Today, a parallel compiler just landed in Elixir master. The goal of the parallel compiler is to compile files in parallel, automatically detecting dependencies between files. In this blog post, we are going to take a peek into the parallel compiler internals and learn more about Erlang and Elixir in the process.

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