
This chapter is part of the Mix and OTP guide and it depends on previous chapters in this guide. For more information, read the introduction guide or check out the chapter index in the sidebar.

In the previous chapter we used agents to represent our buckets. In the first chapter, we specified we would like to name each bucket so we can do the following:

CREATE shopping

PUT shopping milk 1

GET shopping milk

Since agents are processes, each bucket has a process identifier (pid) but it doesn’t have a name. We have learned about the name registry in the Process chapter and you could be inclined to solve this problem by using such registry. For example, we could create a bucket as:

iex> Agent.start_link(fn -> %{} end, name: :shopping)
{:ok, #PID<0.43.0>}
iex> KV.Bucket.put(:shopping, "milk", 1)
iex> KV.Bucket.get(:shopping, "milk")

However, this is a terrible idea! Process names in Elixir must be atoms, which means we would need to convert the bucket name (often received from an external client) to atoms, and we should never convert user input to atoms. This is because atoms are not garbage collected. Once an atom is created, it is never reclaimed. Generating atoms from user input would mean the user can inject enough different names to exhaust our system memory!

In practice it is more likely you will reach the Erlang VM limit for the maximum number of atoms before you run out of memory, which will bring your system down regardless.

Instead of abusing the name registry facility, we will create our own registry process that holds a map that associates the bucket name to the bucket process.

The registry needs to guarantee that the dictionary is always up to date. For example, if one of the bucket processes crashes due to a bug, the registry must clean up the dictionary in order to avoid serving stale entries. In Elixir, we describe this by saying that the registry needs to monitor each bucket.

We will use a GenServer to create a registry process that can monitor the bucket processes. GenServer provides industrial strength functionality for building servers in both Elixir and OTP.

Our first GenServer

A GenServer is implemented in two parts: the client API and the server callbacks. You can either combine both parts into a single module or you can separate them into a client module and a server module. The client and server run in separate processes, with the client passing messages back and forth to the server as its functions are called. Here we’ll use a single module for both the server callbacks and the client API.

Create a new file at lib/kv/registry.ex with the following contents:

defmodule KV.Registry do
  use GenServer

  ## Client API

  @doc """
  Starts the registry.
  def start_link do
    GenServer.start_link(__MODULE__, :ok, [])

  @doc """
  Looks up the bucket pid for `name` stored in `server`.

  Returns `{:ok, pid}` if the bucket exists, `:error` otherwise.
  def lookup(server, name) do, {:lookup, name})

  @doc """
  Ensures there is a bucket associated to the given `name` in `server`.
  def create(server, name) do
    GenServer.cast(server, {:create, name})

  ## Server Callbacks

  def init(:ok) do
    {:ok, %{}}

  def handle_call({:lookup, name}, _from, names) do
    {:reply, Map.fetch(names, name), names}

  def handle_cast({:create, name}, names) do
    if Map.has_key?(names, name) do
      {:noreply, names}
      {:ok, bucket} = KV.Bucket.start_link
      {:noreply, Map.put(names, name, bucket)}

The first function is start_link/3, which starts a new GenServer passing three arguments:

  1. The module where the server callbacks are implemented, in this case __MODULE__, meaning the current module

  2. The initialization arguments, in this case the atom :ok

  3. A list of options which can be used to specify things like the name of the server. For now, we pass an empty list

There are two types of requests you can send to a GenServer: calls and casts. Calls are synchronous and the server must send a response back to such requests. Casts are asynchronous and the server won’t send a response back.

The next two functions, lookup/2 and create/2 are responsible for sending these requests to the server. In this case, we have used {:lookup, name} and {:create, name} respectively. Requests are often specified as tuples, like this, in order to provide more than one “argument” in that first argument slot. It’s common to specify the action being requested as the first element of a tuple, and arguments for that action in the remaining elements. Note that the requests must match the first argument to handle_call/3 or handle_cast/2.

That’s it for the client API. On the server side, we can implement a variety of callbacks to guarantee the server initialization, termination and handling of requests. Those callbacks are optional and for now we have only implemented the ones we care about.

The first is the init/1 callback, that receives the argument given to GenServer.start_link/3 and returns {:ok, state}, where state is a new map. We can already notice how the GenServer API makes the client/server segregation more apparent. start_link/3 happens in the client, while init/1 is the respective callback that runs on the server.

For call/2 requests, we implement a handle_call/3 callback that receives the request, the process from which we received the request (_from), and the current server state (names). The handle_call/3 callback returns a tuple in the format {:reply, reply, new_state}. The first element of the tuple, :reply, indicates that server should send a reply back to the client. The second element, reply, is what will be sent to the client while the third, new_state is the new server state.

For cast/2 requests, we implement a handle_cast/2 callback that receives the request and the current server state (names). The handle_cast/2 callback returns a tuple in the format {:noreply, new_state}. Note that in a real application we would have probably implemented the callback for :create with a synchronous call instead of an asynchronous cast. We are doing it this way to illustrate how to implement a cast callback.

There are other tuple formats both handle_call/3 and handle_cast/2 callbacks may return. There are also other callbacks like terminate/2 and code_change/3 that we could implement. You are welcome to explore the full GenServer documentation to learn more about those.

For now, let’s write some tests to guarantee our GenServer works as expected.

Testing a GenServer

Testing a GenServer is not much different from testing an agent. We will spawn the server on a setup callback and use it throughout our tests. Create a file at test/kv/registry_test.exs with the following:

defmodule KV.RegistryTest do
  use ExUnit.Case, async: true

  setup do
    {:ok, registry} = KV.Registry.start_link
    {:ok, registry: registry}

  test "spawns buckets", %{registry: registry} do
    assert KV.Registry.lookup(registry, "shopping") == :error

    KV.Registry.create(registry, "shopping")
    assert {:ok, bucket} = KV.Registry.lookup(registry, "shopping")

    KV.Bucket.put(bucket, "milk", 1)
    assert KV.Bucket.get(bucket, "milk") == 1

Our test should pass right out of the box!

We don’t need to explicitly shut down the registry because it will receive a :shutdown signal when our test finishes. While this solution is ok for tests, if there is a need to stop a GenServer as part of the application logic, one can use the GenServer.stop/1 function:

## Client API

@doc """
Stops the registry.
def stop(server) do

The need for monitoring

Our registry is almost complete. The only remaining issue is that the registry may become stale if a bucket stops or crashes. Let’s add a test to KV.RegistryTest that exposes this bug:

test "removes buckets on exit", %{registry: registry} do
  KV.Registry.create(registry, "shopping")
  {:ok, bucket} = KV.Registry.lookup(registry, "shopping")
  assert KV.Registry.lookup(registry, "shopping") == :error

The test above will fail on the last assertion as the bucket name remains in the registry even after we stop the bucket process.

In order to fix this bug, we need the registry to monitor every bucket it spawns. Once we set up a monitor, the registry will receive a notification every time a bucket exits, allowing us to clean the dictionary up.

Let’s first play with monitors by starting a new console with iex -S mix:

iex> {:ok, pid} = KV.Bucket.start_link
{:ok, #PID<0.66.0>}
iex> Process.monitor(pid)
iex> Agent.stop(pid)
iex> flush()
{:DOWN, #Reference<>, :process, #PID<0.66.0>, :normal}

Note Process.monitor(pid) returns a unique reference that allows us to match upcoming messages to that monitoring reference. After we stop the agent, we can flush/0 all messages and notice a :DOWN message arrived, with the exact reference returned by monitor, notifying that the bucket process exited with reason :normal.

Let’s reimplement the server callbacks to fix the bug and make the test pass. First, we will modify the GenServer state to two dictionaries: one that contains name -> pid and another that holds ref -> name. Then we need to monitor the buckets on handle_cast/2 as well as implement a handle_info/2 callback to handle the monitoring messages. The full server callbacks implementation is shown below:

## Server callbacks

def init(:ok) do
  names = %{}
  refs  = %{}
  {:ok, {names, refs}}

def handle_call({:lookup, name}, _from, {names, _} = state) do
  {:reply, Map.fetch(names, name), state}

def handle_cast({:create, name}, {names, refs}) do
  if Map.has_key?(names, name) do
    {:noreply, {names, refs}}
    {:ok, pid} = KV.Bucket.start_link
    ref = Process.monitor(pid)
    refs = Map.put(refs, ref, name)
    names = Map.put(names, name, pid)
    {:noreply, {names, refs}}

def handle_info({:DOWN, ref, :process, _pid, _reason}, {names, refs}) do
  {name, refs} = Map.pop(refs, ref)
  names = Map.delete(names, name)
  {:noreply, {names, refs}}

def handle_info(_msg, state) do
  {:noreply, state}

Observe that we were able to considerably change the server implementation without changing any of the client API. That’s one of the benefits of explicitly segregating the server and the client.

Finally, different from the other callbacks, we have defined a “catch-all” clause for handle_info/2 that discards any unknown message. To understand why, let’s move on to the next section.

call, cast or info?

So far we have used three callbacks: handle_call/3, handle_cast/2 and handle_info/2. Here is what we should consider when deciding when to use each:

  1. handle_call/3 must be used for synchronous requests. This should be the default choice as waiting for the server reply is a useful backpressure mechanism.

  2. handle_cast/2 must be used for asynchronous requests, when you don’t care about a reply. A cast does not even guarantee the server has received the message and, for this reason, should be used sparingly. For example, the create/2 function we have defined in this chapter should have used call/2. We have used cast/2 for didactic purposes.

  3. handle_info/2 must be used for all other messages a server may receive that are not sent via or GenServer.cast/2, including regular messages sent with send/2. The monitoring :DOWN messages are such an example of this.

Since any message, including the ones sent via send/2, go to handle_info/2, there is a chance unexpected messages will arrive to the server. Therefore, if we don’t define the catch-all clause, those messages could lead our registry to crash, because no clause would match. We don’t need to worry about such cases for handle_call/3 and handle_cast/2 though. Calls and casts are only done via the GenServer API, so an unknown message is quite likely to be due to a developer mistake.

To help developers remember the differences between call, cast and info, the supported return values and more, Benjamin Tan Wei Hao has created an excellent GenServer cheat sheet.

We have previously learned about links in the Process chapter. Now, with the registry complete, you may be wondering: when should we use monitors and when should we use links?

Links are bi-directional. If you link two processes and one of them crashes, the other side will crash too (unless it is trapping exits). A monitor is uni-directional: only the monitoring process will receive notifications about the monitored one. In other words: use links when you want linked crashes, and monitors when you just want to be informed of crashes, exits, and so on.

Returning to our handle_cast/2 implementation, you can see the registry is both linking and monitoring the buckets:

{:ok, pid} = KV.Bucket.start_link
ref = Process.monitor(pid)

This is a bad idea, as we don’t want the registry to crash when a bucket crashes! We typically avoid creating new processes directly, instead we delegate this responsibility to supervisors. As we’ll see in the next chapter, supervisors rely on links and that explains why link-based APIs (spawn_link, start_link, etc) are so prevalent in Elixir and OTP.